
 Quote1 I am the One Above All. I see through many eyes. I build with many hands. They are themselves, but they are also me. I am all-powerful. My only weapon is love. The mystery intrigues me. Quote2
                                            :- One Above All

The One Above All is the most powerful in the Marvel Universe. He can also be termed as the God of the Marvel Universe. He is solely responsible for the very existence of every species in the Marvel Universe. He is one but he is everyone. He exists beyond time and space, and alternates between appearing as male and female. 

The One-Above-All is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Only a few were lucky enough to meet him. The list includes Thanos, Adam Warlock, Peter Parker and so on...

He first appeared in the Fantastic Four #511 in the year 2004.

Thanos and Adam Warlock seen with the One-Above-All.
